Spending time in nature

I’ve been spending a lot of time in nature lately. There’s something unique and therapeutic about taking a hike on a new trail or spending time on the water in reflection and meditation. This time has been contemplative — filled with valuable and refreshing thoughts and conversations. As my mind bounces with ideas for projects and what comes next, the whirl of excitement is balanced by the notions of practicality that I am sure many of us wrestle with daily. “Is this the right move, the best path forward, the proper step?” So much of what we do is susceptible to the scrutiny of our inner self, and as I have learned, we can often be our worst critics. I have been thinking about what it means to be “at rest.” Over the last year, I have seen so much struggle and discomfort amongst people of all ages and backgrounds — a tension that I could not entirely place. It’s become apparent that consumerism and capitalism are a rat race that is leaving us, as a society, burned out in this futile search for happiness, however fleeting or temporary that may be. It’s through this dialogue within myself that I have come to realize laughter, intimacy, family, friendship, creativity, and vulnerability are those things that are most rewarding and refreshing and ultimately lead to that feeling of peace or being at rest that so many (including myself) seem to be searching for. 

So, for whoever may read or come across this, whether you’re searching for rest, peace, or just seeking time to slow down — I encourage you to get outside and do just that. Listen to your body, and your mind will follow. 

─ Christian
